Do Not Live Up To Other's Expectation: Here's Why

Short Answer: because it’s draining living up to other’s expectations.

Here’s the blog…

We can spend a lot of time wondering what others think of us. For some people, their move is determined by the reaction of others. Do you know when we live to appease others we lose a part of ourself? Who and why would you want to live with this stipulation? Life provides so much and when we have the opportunity to be anything we ought to be ourselves.

I want you to be intentional living for you. And I understand it is easy to read something and obtain information but in addition to receiving information, I want to provide action steps for you to engage in RIGHT NOW! If you are living in the mindset of appeasing others, I want you to reevaluate your thoughts and ask yourself, are you really happy thinking this way?

Sometimes our thoughts are unintentional especially when we are scrolling on social media, viewing people on vacation or out living their best life. But remember this…you can do the same thing. And just because someone is living their best life does not mean they are happy.

Get Yourself On The Right Track By Doing This…

Write down YOUR GOALS! I do mean your personal goals. Not what someone else wants you to do, or what other people say you SHOULD DO. Do short term and long term. Start off with the long term goals and work your want to the short term goals. Knowing what you want to do five or ten years from now, will allow you to think of the steps you need to partake in, in order to reach the long term goals.

What makes you happy? Be serious when you answer this question. If you had 72 hours to do whatever you want and did not have to worry about no one but yourself during that time, what would you?

Make time for yourself? How do you do this? The first thing I want you to do for the next couple of days is to write down everything you do from hour to hour. This will allow you to see what exactly you are doing, and if there’s any idle time where you can make time for yourself. It may not be an easy task, but it’s a start in the right direction.

You may have follow up statements like I have no time for myself. In order to make time for yourself you may have to change a few things. If you have children be intentional about making their bedtime early enough for you to be able to spend about 10 minutes alone. It may be challenging enforcing bedtime rules, however it benefits the entire house as a whole.

Delegate task. When you are the person doing all the things, it can be challenging deciphering who should do what. However, when someone helps out and lighten the load it allows you to have more time for you. And if you do not have anyone you can depend on, it’s time to find a circle of friends and people that can support you and vice versa. You do not have to do life alone.

For ways to find a support system dive into one of our magazine issues. We have digital and physical copies available. Also we have self-care tool kits that can help you as you go through your wellness journey.

Let me know how these action steps are helping you live your best life. And remember what people view of you is their problem!